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Automatically calculate Infiltration area in depth/area storage structures.

No description provided
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Generate total volume within nodes and links

To allow an approximate overall attenuation volume when using oversized pipes or manholes, allowing a total possible volume with links and nodes could be useful for reporting purposes
Guest 5 months ago in Flow 0

Volume Summary Report

One page formal print out summarising the manhole, pipe and storage structure volumes within the SW network. This is often requested during planning stages of developments.
Guest 9 months ago in Flow 0

quick save

Include facility to quick save using Ctrl+S - it works in most other commonly used software so it's almost a reflex action for most users, and saves so much aggravation over lost work!
Guest 9 months ago in Flow 0

"Select all" option for each storm duration and specify a surcharged outfall by level

In Causeway Flow, having an option to "Select All" storm durations in simulation settings, as well as when specifying a surcharged outfall for a specific return period, would be useful. Also, having the option to specify a surcharged outfall by wa...
Guest 3 months ago in Flow 0

Can annotation use AutoCAD multileaders

Can annotation use autocad multileaders? This would allow visually better annotation and allow default template styles to be used.
Guest 9 months ago in SmartTools 0

Actual discharge rates achieved in the approval report

Report the actual discharge rates achieved in the approval report, not just that they are below the GFR rates.
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Add a 'lock Node/Catchment positions' button to the Sketch window.

This is a very serious issue, if you accidently move an area, SmartTools will then double count that area next time you import it into Flow
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Import Multiple Networks into one PFD file

For example if you had two PFD files, one for the west side drainage network and one for the Eastern side drainage network (perhaps because two people were designing them). But once designed you wanted to combine into one PFD file. i believe you c...
Ian George over 1 year ago in Flow 2

Modelling 'free flowing' foul sewer networks

when a foul sewer is simulated within flow, the software assumes a blockage within the network. This is not very useful when trying to design a network that just drains under normal circumstances. The current work around suggested by Causeway is v...
Jason Bale 10 months ago in Flow 0