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Support for custom LISP routines

We use several custom LISP routines in AutoCAD to streamline our design process. The flexibility for users to write and code their own tools using LISP routines and to then use these in CausewayCAD would reduce reliance on AutoCAD and allow others...
Paul Sloan 20 days ago in CausewayCAD 0

COBie information for drainage systems

Clients are requesting we provide COBie information for drainage systems - it would be useful to have the ability to embed COBie data into the drainage model and export it for others to use. This is likely to be a more suitable feature in Flow but...
Amy Norman 12 days ago in Flow 0

Embodied Carbon Calculation

Embedded carbon calculation per M of PIpe and surround and carbon report output
Guest 6 months ago in LiveDesign 0

To be able to show pipe crossings when plotting long sections.

When plotting long sections, it would be useful to be able to show the crossings from other drainage networks. The crossing are shown on the long sections viewer in flow but not when you plot them.
Guest 4 months ago in Flow 0

editing finished surface

When a road/plot is added the finish surface displays this, and then ties back to the base surface as soon as possible. While I can add batters/features to a road/plot to control how this is tied into the finished surface, the issue still remains ...
Jason Bale 30 days ago in LiveDesign 0

Infiltration Half Drain time calculations

We have recently been challenged by Wiltshire LLFA regarding half drain times. As I understand it, Flow calculates the half drain time to CIRIA 156 which gives a significantly longer half drain time than the BRE365 method that Micro Drainage uses....
Ben Stoodley about 2 months ago in Flow 0

Infiltration volume

Add a column called ‘Infiltration Volume’ to the simulation results table which indicates the total volume of water infiltrating into the ground at the upstream manhole during the selected storm.
Guest 3 months ago in Flow 0

Pipe Selection/visibility in output

There is often need to hide certain pipes from the final output. Either they are dummy pipes that have no relation to the final layout or they are areas outside the specific design network that do not need to be included in the report. Microdraina...
Guest 7 months ago in Flow 0

Time to half empty Calculations

I have a request regards time to half empty of infiltration systems. Irrespective of what I set in the preference page (whether time to half empty by volume or by storm) I just get time to half empty of the structure. That isn’t very useful inform...
Steve Doughty 5 months ago in Flow 0

Minimum Pipe Length

The mimimum pipe length in Flow is currently set to 1m. Where modelling junctions and connections there may be less than 1m between the junctions. Please revise the minimum length to around 300-500mm.
Ian George over 1 year ago in Flow 1