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Modelling 'free flowing' foul sewer networks

when a foul sewer is simulated within flow, the software assumes a blockage within the network. This is not very useful when trying to design a network that just drains under normal circumstances. The current work around suggested by Causeway is v...
Jason Bale 10 months ago in Flow 0

Latest Software Download

The latest software download is hidden behind a sales contact form. It would be much easier if the latest software versions were listed with a download link. It could be added to the support section so users would have to login to get the link.
Ian George 4 months ago in Flow 0

Ability to Select/Deselect ‘All Storms’ buttons.

No description provided
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Ability to model saddle connections.

No description provided
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Function to add a prefix to node names

Industry wide drainage system manholes are normally named as S1 and F1, can we add a function to add a prefix to the nodes in Flow, avoids the element of human error having to manually name everything. This option is available in microdrainage, it...
Guest almost 1 year ago in Flow 0

Ability to add design parameters

It would be helpful to have following parameters, including the ability to define them globally as well as locally (for node or links) Maximum gradient Minimum Gradient Maximum drop Allow Drop (locally) Maximum cover
Guest 4 months ago in Flow 0

CAD Background overlay in Flow for stage 3 coordination of sites

For stage 3 designs that will not require civil 3D or smart tools, would be invaluable to just be able to overlay a basic cad layout into Flow to visualize indicative drainage layouts rather than manually putting in coordinates and hoping it's right.
Guest about 1 year ago in Flow 0

Time/Area Diagram for a Network

Flow doesn't currently have the ability to show the total flow/area diagrams for the outlets. This is a very useful feature in MicroDrainage that Flow doesnt seem to support.
Ian George over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Cache input hydrographs, unless parameters changed

It takes a long time for Causeway to open and run RefH2. When designing a network with input hydrographs, it becomes a slow process to re-run the model when making changes to the drainage infrastructure. It would make sense to save the generated i...
Henry Kelly 5 months ago in Flow 0

Specific Statement of Storage in tank or pond

I don't believe it is possible to simply display the storage amount in printed results (Design Report) as a separate entity. It does of course show up within the results list for the various storms, however, this is not very clear and of course is...
Guest 5 months ago in Flow 0