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.pfd File Locking - 'Read Only' Status

There doesnt seem to be any 'locking' of PFD files when they're opened. Currently individuals, or multiple users, can open the same file and overright it. Clearly thats less than ideal! It also happens with SmartTools, if you export out of SmartTo...
Ian George 7 months ago in Flow 0

Flow to calculate side infiltration area of basins

It would be extremely useful if FLOW could calculate the infiltration areas of infiltration basins/flow through ponds rather than having to calculate it ourselves. For example, if we suggest a minimum base area, height and side slope, then FLOW wo...
Guest about 1 year ago in Flow 0

Allow users as well as admin to view the current licence users in the CLM.

It currently isn't possible for a user to find out who is holding the licences in the CLM. This is useful because it allows users to ask the users directly if they are still using the licence without needing to get the organisational admin to find...
James Blyth about 1 year ago in Flow 0

Allow users as well as admin to view the current licence users in the CLM.

It currently isn't possible for a user to find out who is holding the licences in the CLM. This is useful because it allows users to ask the users directly if they are still using the licence without needing to get the organisational admin to find...
James Blyth about 1 year ago in Flow 0

Ability to define design parameters used in network design

Ability to define design parameters used in network design, a bit more granularity than enforce best practice yes/no.
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Ability to add flow rate check point

Specify check points in a model where discharges rates and peak flow results can be generated, the results should have the ability to be added to the design report. Could this include a graph of the flows at this check point too?
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Allow some way to offset and rotate storage structures

This will be very useful for visual clash checking in the 3D viewer. It will also be very beneficial in Live Design and SmartTools
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Explore the possibility of using FEH rainfall model for events down to the1 in 1.3-year and up to the 1 in 100,000-year.

No description provided
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Ability to incorporate the output hydrographs and graphs in the design report.

No description provided
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0

Ability to adjust output Greenfield runoff rates, volume, and storage estimates calculations separately.

No description provided
Tom Fox over 1 year ago in Flow 0